Network Security Within the IT Infrastructure, there are three main areas of security that must be maintained; Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability. In order to maintain the "CIA Triangle", your network infrastructure must be properly designed, configured and administered to protect against both internal and external threats.
Due to recent security threats discovered, information security has become more important now than ever before for businesses of all sizes; small businesses to major enterprises. Computer and network vulnerabilities are exposed almost daily in software and hardware that many use on a daily basis. With our knowledge and experience within the industry, it is our responsibility to ensure that your computers and networks maintain adequate levels of internal and external threats.
Most security threats are caused by insufficient internal controls than external factors (i.e. hackers). This is because employee users have access to information that is not pertinent to their jobs. By not invoking appropriate security measures on your networks, employees are given the ability to view, edit, and even delete files that are crucial to the success of your business. This is not typically done maliciously, but rather accidently. Either way, it is important to reduce the potential for problems.
It is our goal to reduce downtime to our customers' networks by incorporating computer and network security into all of our customers networking environments. As threats and vulnerabilities change daily, our engineers work diligently to keep up-to-date with the latest information security best practices.